The province of Morona Santiago, located on the eastern side of Ecuador, is divided between the Sierra and the Amazon region. It is the second-largest province in the country and home to one of Ecuador's indigenous communities, the Shuar. The Shuar community has a strong belief system based on the spiritual world, where the spirit of a person is on a constant and never-ending journey. They also hold a deep respect for Mother Nature and practice coffee cultivation within an agroforestry system. The region they inhabit is characterized by high humidity due to the presence of the Amazon jungle and frequent rainfall, providing favorable conditions for coffee growth. This area also boasts the Sangay Volcano, the most active volcano in Ecuador, which is highly respected and revered by the indigenous communities of the province. Its name in the Kichwa language means "burning mountain." The pictogram of the logo, a representation of stars and lances, is used by the Shuar and signifies respect alongside the encounter with different cultures.
In 2022, as part of Caravela's pursuit of exceptional coffees, the team made contact with the Shuar community in Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe. Since then, the connection has been constant, and in 2023, the first purchase of coffee was made from 78 members of the community. The Shuar brand was created to showcase this remarkable blend from the Shuar community.