The parroquia of Nanegalito, part of the canton of Quito, is renowned for its abundant biodiversity and pristine water sources, attracting visitors for activities such as hiking and birdwatching. In this area, there is a well-known natural park called the Alambi Fog Forest Reserve, situated at an elevation of 1,480 meters above sea level (masl). This reserve covers an area of 123.6 hectares and consists of primary forest characterized by its fog and rich biodiversity, both in terms of flora and fauna typical of the Andes. The reserve boasts incredible water sources, including the Alambi River and three waterfalls located within its boundaries. The presence of this remarkable reserve influences the microclimates of the surrounding areas where some of the contributing producers are located. The Alambi Reserve is a source of pride for the canton and is protected by the local community, inspiring the name of the brand representing the coffee from this area.
Caravela has been working with producers in Quito since around 2016, initially collaborating with four producers. Over time, the partnership has expanded, with visits to the producers by the PECA technician to provide advice and implement improvements on the farms. The goal is to produce better-quality coffee and achieve consistency year after year.